Django middleware for the rescue!

Finally, I can have a better working middleware which can catch HTTP status errors, make a redirect-response to the main page and also save a visitor.

Now I can also …

I finally made the comments at this site.

Please use the comments form below any post.
Or leave feedback on the Feedback page if you want to ask a general question.

I use Disqus for comments, you might …

Raspberry 5 test-to-speech using Piper

I wanted to make my Raspberry tell me about power outages and air alerts near my location.

The setup is pretty simple and described ar the repo:

Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool Notifications and emails

Notifications and email

Just a simple work log of installing NUT and configuring email notifications from it.



 Go to file:

sudo vi …

Can't create plan: Table 'bamboo_db.NOTIFICATIONS' doesn't exist RESOLVED

An issue with clean install Bamboo + MySQL

Can't create plan: Table 'bamboo_db.NOTIFICATIONS' does…


Install Bacula on debian systems

Failed to load the database DBI driver SQLite at ./ line 45 Based on:


Python HTMLParser and Vkontakte randomizer

Finally I've finish my first "program" on Python.py_vk The task is to parse people's id from web page wh…



Как-то так много интересного в фототехнике за последнее время для себя открыл, да все нет времени з…


LoadError: cannot load such file -- /var/www/config/environment

Итак, снова бок: LoadError: cannot load such file -- /var/www/config/environment Неразрешенная, эта…


Веб-сайт на Apache

Способ организации веб-хостинга на домашнем сервере CentOS при помощи следующих программных пакетов…


vk execute + args + python + requests

py_vk Продолжаю закреплять выученное своим горьким опытом и методом тыка по теме vk execute и python, на…


Test design and implementation.


Very beginning


Test design


Our test system has a pretty simple configuratio…


Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool

I'll describe a full path on how to install and use NUT.
My implementation is using Raspberry Pi 5…

Install and use Network Ups Tool - an open source Uninterruptible Power Supply software

Centos 7 extend volume

One more guide which help me to save nerves.…
