Raspberry 5 test-to-speech using Piper

I wanted to make my Raspberry tell me about power outages and air alerts near my location.

The setup is pretty simple and described ar the repo:

Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool Notifications and emails

Notifications and email



 Go to file:

sudo vi /etc/nut/upsmon.conf
Add at the EOF:
# Email script for NOTIFYCMD
# Simple
NOTIFYCMD "/etc/nut/notifycmd.sh" …

Installing NUT - Network Ups Tool

I'll describe a full path on how to install and use NUT.
My implementation is using Raspberry Pi 5 and a TP-Link router attached to 800W UPS.
RPi will be …

WSGI mod, Python, Django, Celery and a nice fella virtualenv

Here I'll show how to use Python (3.8.0 in the current example, but legit for latest 3.+ versions, not for os.name == 'NT') and virtualenv to setup WGSI enabled …

Python - Django Celery - кейс длиною в вечность.

Вкратце: когда добавляешь пачку тасок на Celery worker'ы, случается так, что парочка из них отвалив…


PSinfo утилита

Здесь мы рассмотрим интересные и полезные сферы и способы применения утилиты "PSinfo" Время от врем…


php upgrade Centos 6


rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm


Allow Apache run python scripts

This is a simple ex. to allow apache run .py

# Python site at /var/www/py_site

LoadModule wsgi_…


MySQL key efficiency 100

MySQL key efficiency 100% key efficiency 100 This is to remember the conf for this: for 1GB RAM dedicated server:



Going deeper with Python or HTMLParser and Vkontakte randomizer comes back!

Hello, for anybody who read this blog.py_vk Last time I'm trying to parse saved HTML page to get Vkontak…


Python 3 showing progressbar while subprocess.Popen

Have an interesting case I want to share and save for future. One small problem in this system:&nb…


Заводим питончика дома или установка Python на Centos 6

Хороший гайд pythonздесь: https://github.com/h2oai/h2o/wiki/Installing-python-2.7-on-centos-6.3.-Fol…


Веб-сайт на Apache

Способ организации веб-хостинга на домашнем сервере CentOS при помощи следующих программных пакетов…


Python Run External Command And Get Output On Screen or In Variable

Отседова: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/python-run-external-command-and-get-output/ The basic syntax…
